About Festival
Meet new friends, play games, do puzzles, take walks, sing together, play music, hang out by the bonfire, perform at the talent show, dance to wimmin's music, give or attend a workshop, set up and shop for wimmin made crafts and wares, swim and boat in the lake.
Dance and Talent Show
Traditionally, a DJ dance gets hopping on Friday evening and a talent show revs up on Saturday evening…everyone welcomed to sign up, so join in the fun!
Workshops and Activities
Spontaneous activities from anyone attending is what makes this festival unique and special! So offer a workshop or activity; bring games and videos.
Women of Color Space
The infirmary building is an option as a designated space. The final decision for the space is left to the women of color attending festival.
Arts & Crafts
Bring your arts and crafts to display and sell (no setup fee). Bring instruments to jam or entertain – drums have become very popular hint hint!
Clothing Donation & Swap
Bring free stuff for the free table and your surplus clothes. Take home what is left so we don't have to.
The camp is relatively wheelchair accessible. Wide paved paths connect every building. Accessible restrooms are available.
In Camp
Set up crew arrives on Monday. Camp is open from Monday at 2 PM till Tuesday at 2 PM only for Wimmin setting up. Read about festival setup.
Camp Clover Point opens at 2pm Tuesday to all Wimmin and closing circle is 11am Sunday.
- Camp holds 175 and is relatively wheelchair accessible. Wimmin and girl children welcome – boys under four years – childcare is not provided.
- Dining hall - eating of course and also games and gathering
- Rec hall - Fri. night DJ dance, Sat. night talent show, giveaway area, ping pong, kids area
- A side cabins - more on the quiet side
- B side cabins - more on the loud side (with respect to all)
In Cabins
Each cabin has electricity, full bathrooms with hot water and bunk beds. Bring your own toilet paper, bedding, towels, and unscented soap and toiletries. Some cabins are or may be designated for special needs, kids, quiet, sober support, etc.
In The Kitchen
Three vegetarian meals a day are planned for. Who’s cooking?! Everyone!
First meal is Tuesday dinner and last meal is Sunday breakfast with a food sale following.
Camp dishes available or bring your own and any coffee, tea, or snacks to share. Some snacks will be provided. If you have special dietary needs, please bring what you need. Refrigerator space is available and use of kitchen before or after main meal prep. If you prefer to eat meat, please use the grill provided on kitchen dock or bring your own.
The water at camp is chlorinated, so you may want to bring bottled water and use the water filter at the back sink in the kitchen.
Kitchen volunteers clean pots and pan and communal dishes used for meals.
Wimmin wash the dishes they use. Scrape plates in scrap bucket, rinse, wash, bleach rinse, and dry their dishes.
In Community Spaces
PLEASE be aware and refrain from using any scented personal care products as many wimmin are extremely sensitive and allergic to the chemicals they contain. A cabin is designated as EI (environmental illness).
At The Lake
Use of a private dock on Lake of the Ozarks is accessible for bringing canoes and kayaks as well as rafts, lake toys, etc. No lifeguard on duty.
What to Bring
- Bedding, towels
- Trash bags, toilet paper
- Unscented soap and toiletries
- Water toys, kayaks
- Games for rainy days
- Chairs to sit outside
- Broom and dust pan for your cabin (you will be glad on Sunday's cabin clean-up)
- Special Dietary Needs - if you have special dietary needs, bring what works for you. Refrigerator space is available and use of kitchen before or after main meal preparation and clean up.
State Park Rules
- No pets, alcohol, illegal drugs
- No public nudity
- Limited tenting available in designated spaces only, pre-registration required.